Material : 畫布、立體複合媒材

Size & Price : ø 60 cm – $8000

                        ø 80 cm – $10000

備註 : 可接受訂製,為空間配置最適合的尺寸。


On this day, the earth flying across the earth, covered with thick snowflakes, is a special spectacle as well as a change in the environment. The boundary line seems to be broken at any time. Naturally, there is a silent dialogue in another way. The snow is covered and melted again. It will be a scene of recovery. Now we wait together, stop with Xue Ning’s appearance, wait for the greenery to regenerate, wait for the birds to sound, and the animals wake up. The scene of nature has been talking to us all the time, the beauty of wabi-sabi has begun to learn to appreciate the short and imperfect beauty, and the ruin and texture have become a unique atmosphere.

Design elements