by Quinnie

Interior design丨AD 質墨設計

Deco丨INDE 引日軟裝

Photography丨ciaopie 瞧拍製作

Type of case丨擺拍 ‧ 空間陳設

春樹暮雲《杜甫· 春日憶李白》
思念遠方的友人,如同我們因思念而相聚在此 。

金屬元素點綴其中,猶如天空中一抹晚霞,讓我們如同置身在畫中。 — 質墨設計 2021

INDE 引日軟裝

After leaving the space, the space is filled with quiet sounds, and traces of life flash in every corner. I miss the friend who has returned here. Picking up a book on the desktop, the page is hit by the laughter of the past.